Last Updated on: 16th februar 2022, 07:53 pm
Transcripts from the Wickford and Billericay Gazette saturday july 23, 1927.
Billericay Football Club Annual meeting
The adjourned annual meeting of the Billericay Football Club was held at the Red Lion Hotel on monday, Mr. Beard presiding.
Mr. J. Moore, the hon. secreatary, gave his report and congratulated the club on a successful season. Of 28 matches played, 21 had been won, one drawn and six lost. The hon.treasurer’s report showed a balance in hand of £3 12s. 8d. Mr. Moore was re-elected hon. secretary and Mr. Ricketts was again elected hon. treasurer, with thanks for their past services.
It was decided to run two teams during the coming season, the 1st XI to enter Division II of the Chelmsford league, and the 2nd XI to enter Division III for the same league. It was also agreed to enter for the Essex Junior Cup.
The following members of the committee were re-elected: Messrs. F. Beard, D. Hall, G. Smith, L. Welham and H. Wright. The following representatives of the 2nd XI were also elected to the committee: Messrs. E. Taylor, H. Buers and S. Shipton. Mr. W. Clements was elected captain of the 1st XI, with Mr. A. Curry vice-captain, and Mr. F. Bright was elected 2nd XL captain, with Mr. E. Taylor vice-captain.
A vote of thanks was accorded to Mr. V. Fuller for the use of the Red Lion Hotel as headquarters and dressing room, and to Mr. S. Shipton for acting as trainer and for his interest generally in the club.
Note: These old transcripts and scans has been obtained by the norwegian webmaster and chairman Per-Helge Berg by several visits to the British Library’s national newspaper collection in Colindale (now moved to St. Pancras) and going through old newspapers and microfilms and then ordering photocopies of these. You are free to use the scans/transcripts on your website, but only if you link back to and credit this website.